Serving San Diego County

So many of us love trees. However, sometimes a tree begins to cause issues or problems. When is it time to remove a tree? Read on…

Trees serve a variety of purposes; by providing shade, increasing property values, improving mental health and adding beauty to our landscapes. However, sometimes a tree begins to decline, and its removal becomes an unfortunate necessity.

If the tree is in a natural area, away from any targets like people, cars, or homes, it’s likely the tree can be allowed to die a natural death. This allows the tree to become what’s referred to as a snag- a dead tree that provides a home and food source for many creatures like birds and other wildlife.

If the tree in question is located in an area where targets exist, it’s a different story. Hazardous trees with structural defects that could potentially cause injury to people or damage property need to have a risk assessment performed by an Atlas Tree Service Arborist Expert immediately.

Your Arborist Expert will inspect the tree for the following defects and risk factors:

  • Root rot, decay, fungus/mushrooms growing on the trunk or at the base of the tree
  • Cut, damaged, girdling, or buried root systems
  • Trunk damage including vertical cracks, dead branch stubs, bark inclusion
  • Uncorrected leaning, and other structural deficiencies
  • Previous pruning mistakes like topping or hatracking
  • Proximity to buildings, sidewalks, power lines and any other conflicts

Depending on the findings, and the severity of any defects, the Arborist Expert will make some recommendations. It’s possible, with design and implementation of a plan, that the tree can be managed and saved. Various structural pruning techniques, treating for disease and pests, implementing a plant healthcare program, and cabling are all possible alternative options for saving a tree that’s in decline.

If, however, tree removal is required, it is very important to contract with a professional tree care service. Tree removal is a risky business, and homeowners should not attempt to remove a tree themselves. Even jobs that appear simple can have unforeseen complications or long-term consequences.You may find tree removal services with cheap pricing, but always make sure you’re hiring a certified arborist who is insured for tree removal. Arborists must renew their licenses regularly and receive ongoing training in best practices for tree removal.

Atlas Tree Service has been San Diego County’s most trusted tree care service since 1982. If you have questions about a declining tree, or a tree removal, begin by contacting the experts at Atlas Tree Service.